mercoledì 7 aprile 2010

Free Will

Every one of us is engaged in some ongoing battle with ourselves. Maybe there's a conflict between our heart and head. Maybe we're trying to stop expressing some behavior that we know is self-destructive but seems all too natural and easy to do. Maybe we feel guilty about or resentful toward some event from the past, and are constantly fighting with its after-image. Whatever your version of the civil war might be, Scorpio, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to reduce the heat of the strife. But you'll have to be ingenious as you reframe the way you think about the situation, and you'll have to locate a reservoir of willpower that has been hidden in your depths.

Mannaggia a me che sul più bello dimentico qualunque filosofia jedy knight e cedo sempre al Lato Oscuro dell’Inkazzo per puro desiderio satanico di sfogare la tensione accumulata. “...we feel guilty about or resentful toward some event from the past, and are constantly fighting with its after-image.” Azzeccato in pieno. E trovarlo, il willpower in my depths…non è cosí facile, nonostante ci stia provando ormai da anni. Ma a che mi serve guardare Star Wars, maledizione?

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